
CollectiveX is pioneering a new class of communications and social networking services designed explicitly for organized groups. badboy.media.design was appointed to develop the new identity, graphic design and templates as well as to offer consulting services on the web application’s information architecture.
Battling on grounds currently covered by names such as Yahoo Groups and LinkedIn, CollectiveX, apart from offering an improved approach, better usability and more features, also had to stand out through its identity and design. The suggestive logo and consistent design elements help in achieving that. The end result is a highly memorable, friendly and fresh look that quickly communicates the basic attributes of the service.
CollectiveX’s features were designed with simplicity and ease-of-use in mind. The large quantity of information and actions available are thoroughly organized to allow for quick interaction and maximum content visibility. Each design decision was made considering the needs of potential users thus helping create what is truly a Web 3.0 social networking application.